Selasa, 09 Juli 2013

How To Care For Persian Cat

Here is a Persian cat bathing tips:
1. Fill the tub with warm water to fill half. Pour 1/2 tsp. liquid dishwashing soap into the tub.
2. Gently place the cat into the water. Always got this cat while bathing process that does not jump out. Keep the cat's head is not exposed to water.
3. Pour water into the body of a cat with cups. Do not rub your hair because it will only make it become tangled. Quite smooth feathers downward. Do not let water get into the ear, mouth, eyes, or nose your Persian cat
4. After that, let the cat's body submerged in water for about one minute.
5. Discard the water from the tub. Continue to cling to the cat.
6. Refill the tub with warm water to rinse the cat in half of the rest of the soap. Pour water on the body of a cat with fur cup and rub in one direction (toward the bottom). Body soak in water for one minute.
7. Lift the cat out of the tub. Squeeze the cat hair gently to remove excess water.
8. Handuki cat body with a soft towel. Use more than one towel if necessary to make sure the excess water can be absorbed everything.
9. Cat hair comb with a metal comb to avoid tangles.
10. Blow dry cat fur and use the lowest heat. Dry the hair one section at a time.

How To Care For Hamsters

How To Care For Hamsters

Keep hamsters relatively easy because the treatment is not too complicated. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you also can not just shrugged. If you decide to keep hamsters, then you must commit to responsible for it. Here are some tips for caring for a hamster for beginners:

1. A good idea to pay attention to the selection of hamsters that may be your pet. You can ask the pet store owner, or the keepers of other hamsters. Surely, you have a lot to look for information on the types of hamsters that may be your pet. So that you do not find it difficult to keep current. Also important for you to know the diet and essential things in the hamster care.

2. Hamster in desperate need of a loving owner. Why is that? Because in compassion, your pet hamster will be more easily managed. You need to be frequently touching and playing with him so he was quick to recognize you. So also with the scent of your hand. Your pet hamster to quickly adapt to you.

3. Give more attention to the cage. Hamster would spend all his time in the cage. Therefore you need to meet all the needs that make it comfortable in the cage. You need to ensure the cleanliness of sawdust to the cage. Such as replacing wood powder 2 times a week to keep the hamster cage. Sawdust handy to warm hamster as well as a place to dump dirt. Sawdust is what you get in pet shops.

4. Note the cleanliness of the hamster cage. Because filthy cages will cause disease susceptible hamster. A week or two weeks, empty cages and cage wash thoroughly. Do not forget to clean all equipment and accessories are in the cage. Make sure everything is clean when you return back to the hamster cage.

5. You also have to be good at choosing accessories that you put in the hamster cage. Make sure that the accessories that is needed. Not just decoration. You should know that in the wild, hamsters will run up to eight miles overnight just to find food. This is one of their natural instincts. Even if he does not do it or no media for him to do so, would risk causing paralysis. Therefore, you need to add accessories shaped wheel as a medium channeling the natural instinct. You also need a small cardboard box or something that could be hiding spots when he would sleep. Therefore, how to sleep with a hamster is hiding. Hamsters also love to walk through the tunnel. So you need to add it in the list of accessories that you must meet.

6. Note also the supply of food, water and care for hamsters. You need to provide fresh water and food in the form Bungan sun seed in the feeding site and fill it every day. May provide another bit of the form of food such as carrots, celery, apples and grapes to increase the nutrients it needs. However it should be monitored dose and schedule. Because the consumption of food additives can not be done very often. Also can not be given in large amounts. Because it will adversely affect the digestive hamster. Do not feed chocolate, coffee beans, or any caffeine in hamsters as this can lead to death.

7. Never soak in water for bathing hamster or any reason. Hamsters are one of the animals that are prone to disease. Hamsters will actually clean themselves all the time and usually do not need to be cleaned. Dwarf hamster will really enjoy dust baths. You can buy a dust or powder dust to bathe a hamster at a pet store. If at times it requires you to clear something from your hamster. You can safely use a damp cloth or special wipes for pets. No need to use soap or shampoo on your hamster.

how to care for feet

How do I care for the foot to stay healthy, simply by doing a good habit as it stands perfectly do not often skewed to the left / right to make his own foot lopsided that can cause tingling, do not let your feet are wet for too long because it will result in water fleas if after washing clothes should immediately dry feet, soak feet before going to bed with a little warm water plus salt for about 10 minutes so that the foot can relax because it has been working all day, reduces swelling and free of germs, before sleeping with a straight leg should lift up / wall during 10 minutes because it is useful for improving blood circulation in the legs.

How to care for feet with lotion natural ingredients

·        Lotions
Try to use lotion after bathing to keep the foot secure and remain smooth and the humidity was out of the house wearing shoes that try to wear socks to protect your feet so as not to rough and scaly because streets dust.

·        Gathering sleigh
One of the properties Intersection dribbles scaly skin can smooth the way Intersection dribbles grated and mixed with sticky rice and then rubbing the smooth skin scaly done before bathing.

·        Tamarind
Tamarind is a lot of benefits one can to treat cracked feet do take an old tamarind seeded and then mash until smooth dab on foot cracked for 10 minutes then rinse with warm water.

·        Papaya
Papaya fruit is rich in vitamins good for skin also frequently eat papaya skin to be smooth, for a broken leg that we butukan is papaya latex for the treatment of external capture how young papaya latex then apply on leg 1 or 2 times a day doing this until the foot healed from cracking.


How hair care tips that are not easily fall out, thick and beautiful? We've got tips on tackle / treat hair loss in a natural way, herbal, traditional safe without excessive side effects. Cost-effective because of the materials used readily available and widely available in nature. Here are some Tips on How to Quickly and Easily Overcome Hair Loss Naturally you can try at home:

Ø  Not Binding Toned Hair
Avoid the habit of tying the hair tightly. Hair ties because they are too tight can pull the hair roots and weaken it. Also avoid wearing hair accessories that are too heavy.
Ø  Natural Treatment Oil
Natural treatments that are proven: Use olive oil on your hair, as well as coconut oil or argan oil which can make hair healthy, strong and shiny.

Ø  Scalp massage
With the technique of massaging the scalp condition will terelaksasi and become more comfortable. So much terileksasi scalp and make the process easier for both the circulation of blood circulation and nutrient head. To do this massage essential oils help menggunakna believed much more effective.

Ø  Using Aloe Vera
Aloevera Aloe Vera or referred to contain vitamins and minerals, which is useful to enrich and thicken hair. To use, you can take aloe vera, cut into two parts to be taken mucus. Apply on dry hair while still half-massaged-massage well. Let stand for 15 minutes then rinse thoroughly.

Ø  Using Green Tea
Green tea (green tea) it contains beneficial antioxidants to protect hair from pollution exposure. Jasmine tea beneficial to increase hair luster. Mint tea beneficial for soothing the scalp and remove fat and reduce dandruff and itchy scalp. The way is to brew tea with hot water, then endapkan overnight. Water the stale tea, rubbing into the scalp. Do it just before shampooing.

So that we can inform you about the Quick and Easy Tips on How to Overcome Hair Loss Naturally.


For those of you who are having problems with your eyes, I will memebrikan following tips on how to care for the eye.

1.      nutrient intake
eat fish at least twice a week is an easy way to maintain eye health, avoid dehydration and sharp eyesight kebih. The benefits provided by omega 3 fatty acids, lutein, and zeaxanthin are needed eye.

2.      winking
wink is a little light exercise to menegndurkan eye nerve. while also keeping the eye clean, remove dust and dirt. one study suggested doing eye exercises menegedipkan three times in four seconds. especially for those of you who many working at the computer.

3.      relaxation
You can rub your palms together to create a warm effect, then put it in the eye as he rubbed it gently. This method helps relaxation and avoiding eye speck of dust in the eye.

4.      sunlight
sunlight is not only needed the bone, but also the eyes. The rays help improve the health of the eye and the pupil by flexing muscles - muscles strained eyes.

5.      head massage
head massage once a week with essential oils can increase beta waves in the front of the brain. This also helps vision came into focus.


Sabtu, 06 Juli 2013

Tips to keep your eyes healthy

How many hours do you spend in front of a computer in a day? Not to mention watching television at home. Some bad habits often come from two activities, without realizing it. Seeing with melee or also rubbed his eyes because he felt tired.
Although trivial, these habits affect eye health decline. Though maintaining eye is a critical investment in survival. Similarly, heart, liver, or brain. As reported by the Times of India, here are some simple things you can do to have a healthy vision.

Ø  nutrient intake
Eat fish at least twice a week is an easy way to maintain eye health. It's also a way to avoid dehydration and sharper vision. The benefits provided by omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, and zeaxanthin are needed eye. In addition to fish, you can add the consumption of foods rich in beta carotene such as carrots, apricots, and blueberries.

Ø  Winking
Wink is a little exercise to relax the optic nerve. In addition, keep a steady eye clean, remove dust and dirt. A study advise you to exercise a wink for three times within four seconds. Especially for those who many working at the computer.

Ø  Relaxation
You can rub your palms together to create a warm effect, then put it on my eyes and rubbed it gently. This method helps relaxation and avoiding eye speck of dust in the eye.

Ø  Enough sun rays
Sunlight is not only needed the bone, but also the eyes. The rays help improve the health of the eye and the pupil by stretching the eye muscles are tense.

Ø  head massage

Massaging the head once a week with essential oils can increase beta waves in the front of the brain. It also helps to be more focused vision.

eight ways to treat dry skin

I will share tips for those of you who have dry skin, here are tips

1.     diligent cleaning
Select the appropriate wash soap with skin conditions. You need to be diligent to clean, dry skin that does not look dull. For exfoliating, using a mask of natural ingredients such as pumpkin, yogurt, and papaya.
2.     Honey
Restores moisture dry skin can also be done with honey. Natural ingredients that one too powerful to overcome this problem and heels dry lips chapped and rough elbows.
3.     quick shower
Do not spend too long in the bathroom. Because the bath too long also makes the skin more dry. In addition, rather than a hot shower, you should use a little warm water to cleanse the body.
4.     Moisturizers
It is important for you to always apply moisturizer after bathing. With so moisture can be maintained in the long term. Baby oil can be used so that the skin moist and supple.
5.     olive oil
In addition to nourish the body, olive oil also has benefits for beauty. Because olive oil helps the skin look more moist again due to drought.
6.     Food
In addition to care from the outside, you also need to pay attention to the food consumed. Should enjoy a diet rich in fatty acids, vitamin C, magnesium, and beta-carotene. For example, salmon, dark chocolate, fish, mango, and orange.
7.     drinking water
Do not be lazy to drink water every day as prescribed, which is eight glasses a day. If you have solid activity, add a portion of drink to keep the skin moist.
8.     air conditioning
Being in the air-conditioned room also makes the skin more dry. Therefore do not be lazy to use a moisturizer to keep skin from getting dry and rough.
So many natural ways to treat dry skin. Good work!

The following are tips on hair care, may be useful

To clean the hair and scalp awake, try cleaning the child's hair at least every other day. Instead, activities for children do not wash your hair too long. One or two minutes was enough. After that, rinse until clean. Hair hygiene can help smooth the blood circulation to the scalp. Clean hair also helps reduce stress and help tissue metabolism in order to continue to grow and develop normally. Lice were not given a chance to live. Fragrant hair, clean, and fresh.
Whereas in infants, shampooing can be done one or two times a week. Remember, the baby's hair is not very dirty, in addition to not spend a lot of sweat. Not too thick as baby hair adult hair. Clean the scalp once a week using baby oil then wash immediately.

It is recommended to buy a good quality shampoo that can remove oil, scale head, and make the child so much hair limp, easily combed, and not easily tangled. There are many options for child shampoo. As for the baby, choose the active ingredients do not irritate the eyes and do not trigger allergies.

3 Sort-select COMB
Use loose-toothed comb or hair brush that is not sharp. Sisiri child's hair soft. If not, any one-way poppet even damaged hair and hair loss. Make hair combing this event as a platform to show affection and attachment.
Hair health is closely related to the selection of the right comb. Unfavorable comb will easily cause hair damage or loss. Avoid buying a nylon comb because the risk of causing brittle hair. Although it looks stylish, comb made of metal can also damage the hair. Do not forget, clean the brush from the rest of the hair that stuck. Wash with warm water to clean. For infants, always use a soft baby comb.

4. Haircut
Cut your hair regularly. In addition to keeping up appearances, short hair also allows parents keep the hair. Hair cut also allows the ends of the hair remains healthy, not branched, brittle, or dry. Even for babies, parents can denude the child within a certain time. In addition to baby's hair and scalp is easy to clean, the new hair will grow more dense and black.

5. Consumption of nutritious foods
Healthy hair requires good nutrition. Inadequate intake of protein and vitamins can cause hair loss, dullness, redness, dandruff, and eventually fall out. Remember, vitamins and nutrients play a role in supporting the health and strength of hair. Vitamin B complex, for example, if less intake can cause dull hair, dandruff also flourishing. While vitamin C can maintain the strength of the hair roots. Remember the hair roots play a role in overall hair health. Through akarlah, all nutrients are absorbed and distributed to the hair. Also at risk of iron deficiency cause hair loss. Sulfur substance also plays a role in giving luster to the hair. The content of these nutrients can be found in fish, eggs, and others. While fat plays a role in maintaining hair strength, in addition to hair luster.
For babies, it is recommended to consume breast milk exclusively. This is because breast milk is rich nutritional content, can not be equaled by formula or other nutrients.

Exercise is good for health. However, the activity was also potentially damage the hair. If the child's long hair, tie and clasp to the top. Make sure it does not impede the movement of hair and the child's view. Use a headband or headband can also be a solution. In addition to a stylish look, his hair was more awake. When using headscarves or bandannas, choose one that quickly absorb sweat so it does not accumulate in the scalp. Remember, sludge drying sweat which can damage the hair roots.

7. Stay away from SUNLIGHT
The sun can damage the hair. That's why, when traveling in the hot sun, try to wear a hat or umbrella. Keep hair protected from the sun.

When swimming, wear a shower cap after wetting the hair entirely. Finished swimming to remove chlorine wash hair attached to the hair. If possible wear without rinse conditioner before you enter the pool.

9. BE CAREFUL when drying

Drying with a towel could be the cause of hair damage. Rub wet hair with a towel to make strands of hair tangled and easily entangled in the threads in the towel, so interested and easily broken, damaged the cuticle, hair and split ends. So, just pat wet hair with a towel, and then sorted according to the direction of hair growth. Indeed, this is rather time-consuming, but worth it for the child's hair