Selasa, 09 Juli 2013

how to care for feet

How do I care for the foot to stay healthy, simply by doing a good habit as it stands perfectly do not often skewed to the left / right to make his own foot lopsided that can cause tingling, do not let your feet are wet for too long because it will result in water fleas if after washing clothes should immediately dry feet, soak feet before going to bed with a little warm water plus salt for about 10 minutes so that the foot can relax because it has been working all day, reduces swelling and free of germs, before sleeping with a straight leg should lift up / wall during 10 minutes because it is useful for improving blood circulation in the legs.

How to care for feet with lotion natural ingredients

·        Lotions
Try to use lotion after bathing to keep the foot secure and remain smooth and the humidity was out of the house wearing shoes that try to wear socks to protect your feet so as not to rough and scaly because streets dust.

·        Gathering sleigh
One of the properties Intersection dribbles scaly skin can smooth the way Intersection dribbles grated and mixed with sticky rice and then rubbing the smooth skin scaly done before bathing.

·        Tamarind
Tamarind is a lot of benefits one can to treat cracked feet do take an old tamarind seeded and then mash until smooth dab on foot cracked for 10 minutes then rinse with warm water.

·        Papaya
Papaya fruit is rich in vitamins good for skin also frequently eat papaya skin to be smooth, for a broken leg that we butukan is papaya latex for the treatment of external capture how young papaya latex then apply on leg 1 or 2 times a day doing this until the foot healed from cracking.

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