Selasa, 09 Juli 2013

How To Care For Hamsters

How To Care For Hamsters

Keep hamsters relatively easy because the treatment is not too complicated. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you also can not just shrugged. If you decide to keep hamsters, then you must commit to responsible for it. Here are some tips for caring for a hamster for beginners:

1. A good idea to pay attention to the selection of hamsters that may be your pet. You can ask the pet store owner, or the keepers of other hamsters. Surely, you have a lot to look for information on the types of hamsters that may be your pet. So that you do not find it difficult to keep current. Also important for you to know the diet and essential things in the hamster care.

2. Hamster in desperate need of a loving owner. Why is that? Because in compassion, your pet hamster will be more easily managed. You need to be frequently touching and playing with him so he was quick to recognize you. So also with the scent of your hand. Your pet hamster to quickly adapt to you.

3. Give more attention to the cage. Hamster would spend all his time in the cage. Therefore you need to meet all the needs that make it comfortable in the cage. You need to ensure the cleanliness of sawdust to the cage. Such as replacing wood powder 2 times a week to keep the hamster cage. Sawdust handy to warm hamster as well as a place to dump dirt. Sawdust is what you get in pet shops.

4. Note the cleanliness of the hamster cage. Because filthy cages will cause disease susceptible hamster. A week or two weeks, empty cages and cage wash thoroughly. Do not forget to clean all equipment and accessories are in the cage. Make sure everything is clean when you return back to the hamster cage.

5. You also have to be good at choosing accessories that you put in the hamster cage. Make sure that the accessories that is needed. Not just decoration. You should know that in the wild, hamsters will run up to eight miles overnight just to find food. This is one of their natural instincts. Even if he does not do it or no media for him to do so, would risk causing paralysis. Therefore, you need to add accessories shaped wheel as a medium channeling the natural instinct. You also need a small cardboard box or something that could be hiding spots when he would sleep. Therefore, how to sleep with a hamster is hiding. Hamsters also love to walk through the tunnel. So you need to add it in the list of accessories that you must meet.

6. Note also the supply of food, water and care for hamsters. You need to provide fresh water and food in the form Bungan sun seed in the feeding site and fill it every day. May provide another bit of the form of food such as carrots, celery, apples and grapes to increase the nutrients it needs. However it should be monitored dose and schedule. Because the consumption of food additives can not be done very often. Also can not be given in large amounts. Because it will adversely affect the digestive hamster. Do not feed chocolate, coffee beans, or any caffeine in hamsters as this can lead to death.

7. Never soak in water for bathing hamster or any reason. Hamsters are one of the animals that are prone to disease. Hamsters will actually clean themselves all the time and usually do not need to be cleaned. Dwarf hamster will really enjoy dust baths. You can buy a dust or powder dust to bathe a hamster at a pet store. If at times it requires you to clear something from your hamster. You can safely use a damp cloth or special wipes for pets. No need to use soap or shampoo on your hamster.

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