Selasa, 09 Juli 2013

How To Care For Persian Cat

Here is a Persian cat bathing tips:
1. Fill the tub with warm water to fill half. Pour 1/2 tsp. liquid dishwashing soap into the tub.
2. Gently place the cat into the water. Always got this cat while bathing process that does not jump out. Keep the cat's head is not exposed to water.
3. Pour water into the body of a cat with cups. Do not rub your hair because it will only make it become tangled. Quite smooth feathers downward. Do not let water get into the ear, mouth, eyes, or nose your Persian cat
4. After that, let the cat's body submerged in water for about one minute.
5. Discard the water from the tub. Continue to cling to the cat.
6. Refill the tub with warm water to rinse the cat in half of the rest of the soap. Pour water on the body of a cat with fur cup and rub in one direction (toward the bottom). Body soak in water for one minute.
7. Lift the cat out of the tub. Squeeze the cat hair gently to remove excess water.
8. Handuki cat body with a soft towel. Use more than one towel if necessary to make sure the excess water can be absorbed everything.
9. Cat hair comb with a metal comb to avoid tangles.
10. Blow dry cat fur and use the lowest heat. Dry the hair one section at a time.

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